Three important keys to give you the tools to be who you are and all you were meant to be.
Being in the Body is an antidote to cure the modern phenomena of ‘disembodiment’ caused by urban overload. We emphasise cultivating sensitivity of both the physical as well as the subtle body by training stress reduction and interoceptive awareness trough evidence-based yogic practices applying the therapeutic qualities of postures, breathing and relaxation practices allow the bodymind to strengthen & heal.
Being Real enables development of a sense of self and to nourish the connection to truth that can cut through the illusion, dream and deception of the mind. Self-inquiry – honest introspection – is an ancient practice found in every spiritual tradition. We offer trauma-informed therapeutic sessions and group structures with an underpinning of humanistic and transpersonal psychology.
Being Together is a method of creating safe space to merge body and mind and to explore the magic of letting go into ‘something more’. Active and contemplative meditative practices inspired by the contemporary and ancient esoteric wisdom of Osho, Tantra and Zen help participants to transcend the fixation with individual self and cultivate a deeper sense of inner connectedness.